15 Application: Meta-analysis using (some of) the METARET data

Sometimes, you have more than one dataset and you want to make inferences about how similar or dissimular these datasets are, or how much you can learn from the data as a whole. This is where you want to do a meta-analysis, and Bayesian techniques are particularly well-suited to these, for exactly the same reason that they handle hierarchical models well. While the hierarchical models presented up to this point has two levels of parameters (i.e. population-level and participant-level), we will now have three or more levels, as there could be meaningful variation at the population level, between experiments, and between participants within experiments. Quantifying this variation is useful, and some small additions to our understanding of hierarchical models will help us understand this.

Hopefully you will see that adding this additional level of variation is not much of a leap forward as far as hierarchical models go. We now simply have (i) parameters describing the distribution between experiments. These feed into (ii) parameters describing the distribution within experiments, and (iii) participant-specific parameters.

I suspect and hope that this kind of analysis is going to become very common in Experimental Economics. This is because we have had a long history of good data-sharing norms, and it is therefore not too difficult to obtain data from published experiments. Furthermore, as experimental economists often design new experiments by using older experiments as a baseline, there are a lot of opportunities for the same (or similar enough) designs to show up a lot more than once.

15.1 Data

Here we will be using a subset of the METARET datset, which is a collection of data on risk elicitation tasks.76 I will focus just on the subset of this dataset corresponding to the Holt and Laury (2002) risk elicitation task. Table 15.1 summarizes this slice of the data. as you can see, there are a lot of experiments, and a lot of participants!

D<-"Code/METARET/Data/data.csv" |> 
  read.csv() |>
  mutate(exptID = bibkey |> as.factor()) 

exptList<-D |>
  group_by(exptID) |>
    experiment = bibkey[1],
    id = exptID[1] |> as.numeric(),
    participants = n()

exptList |>
  ) |>
  kbl(caption = paste("The ",dim(exptList)[1],"experiments using the Holt and Laury (2002) task in the METARET dataset")) |>
Table 15.1: The 52 experiments using the Holt and Laury (2002) task in the METARET dataset
experiment participants
Abdellaoui2011 36
Andersen2010 89
Barrera2012 98
Bauernschuster2010 174
Bellemare2010 84
Branas2011 145
Carlsson2009 213
Casari2009 78
Chakravarty2011 37
Charness2019 157
Chen2013 72
Cobo-Reyes2012 76
Crosetto2016 73
Dave2010 802
Deck2012a 47
Dickinson2009 126
Drichoutis2012 57
Duersch2012 200
Eckel2006 198
Fiedler2012 29
Fiore2009 40
Frey2017 1331
Gloeckner2012 159
Gloeckner2012a 38
Grijalva2011 77
Harrison2005 152
Harrison2007b 18
Harrison2008 100
harrison2012b 90
Holt2002 199
Holzmeister2019 198
Jacquemet2008 87
jamison2008 130
Lange2007 121
Lange2007a 172
Levy-Garboua2012 54
Lusk2005 47
Masclet2009 79
Mueller2012 116
Nieken2012 287
Pogrebna2011 57
Ponti2009 33
Rosaz2012 112
Rosaz2012a 279
Ryvkin2011 42
Schram2011 137
Shafran2010 64
Slonim2010 116
Sloof2010 86
Szrek2012 198
Wakolbinger2009 131
Yechiam2012 11

Table 15.2 shows you a random sample of the data we will be using. The variable bibkey will identify the experiment. Our outcome of interest will be the variable r, wich is an estimate of the coefficient of relative risk aversion. However those of you familiar with Holt and Laury (2002) will know that this task only gives you an interval range for \(r\). This interval is a function of the variable choice, which is the switch-point observed for a participant in the task. In corresponding with Paolo Crosetto, I found out that the r variable was uniformly assigned within this range (you can also see this in the METARET replication files). We can see that these intervals are exactly the same by looking at the empirical cumulative density function of the r variable, which I show in Figure 15.1:

Empirical cumulative density functions of $r$, broken down by choice in the Holt and Laury (2002) task

Figure 15.1: Empirical cumulative density functions of \(r\), broken down by choice in the Holt and Laury (2002) task

For simplicity we will begin by treating r as if it is the exact value of \(r\) for this participant, but then we will relax this assumption so that it is interval-valued.

D |>
  sample_n(20) |>
  dplyr::select(bibkey,choice,r,task) |>
  kbl(caption = "A random sample of the METARET Holt and Laury (2002) data.") |>
Table 15.2: A random sample of the METARET Holt and Laury (2002) data.
bibkey choice r task
harrison2012b 5 0.7974468 HL
Duersch2012 6 1.1191757 HL
Lange2007a 5 0.6087734 HL
Grijalva2011 6 1.1030496 HL
Szrek2012 5 0.6409813 HL
Jacquemet2008 6 0.9068044 HL
Frey2017 3 0.0869766 HL
Shafran2010 7 1.3751412 HL
Gloeckner2012 2 -0.2327934 HL
Grijalva2011 8 1.4956184 HL
Andersen2010 4 0.5473514 HL
Branas2011 5 0.8301501 HL
Bauernschuster2010 4 0.4462529 HL
Holzmeister2019 3 0.0638232 HL
Casari2009 5 0.7920361 HL
Carlsson2009 1 -0.3700000 HL
Frey2017 2 -0.2673258 HL
Frey2017 5 0.7556473 HL
Duersch2012 4 0.3521928 HL
Wakolbinger2009 7 1.3328647 HL

15.2 A basic model

To begin with, assume that the r in the dataset is measured perfectly, and so we do not have to worry about it really being an interval. Let \(r_{i,e}\) be the risk-aversion value measured for participant \(i\) in experiment \(e\). Within each experiment \(e\), assume that \(r_{i,e}\sim N(\mu_e,\sigma^2)\), where \(\mu_e\) is an experiment-specific mean of \(r_{i,e}\) and \(\sigma\) is common to all experiments (we will relax this later). Between experiments, we will assume that the experiment means \(\mu_i\)s are normally distributed, \(\mu_i\sim N(\bar\mu,\bar\sigma^2)\). That is, we have between-experiment variation measured by \(\bar\sigma\), and within-experiment variation measured by \(\sigma\).

As we might be interested in the relative importance of these sources of variation, it is useful to decompose the total variance of an observation by looking at the ratio of between-experiment variance to within-experiment variance, which is:

\[ \rho = \frac{\bar\sigma^2}{\bar\sigma^2+\sigma^2} \]

That is if \(\rho\) is close to zero, then \(\bar\sigma^2\) is relatively small. This will mean that there is not much difference in the means of \(r_{e,i}\) between experiments. On the other hand, if \(\rho\) is close to one, then most of the variation in \(r_{e,i}\) is attributable to variation between experiments. In this case, it would be hard to predict the mean of \(r_{e,i}\) in a new experiment.

Here is my formal statement of the model’s structure and its priors:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Participant-level variation: }r_{i,e}&\sim N(\mu_e,\sigma^2)\\ \text{Experiment-level variation: }\mu_e&\sim N(\bar\mu,\bar\sigma^2)\\ \text{priors: } \bar\mu&\sim N(0,10)\\ \bar\sigma&\sim\mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10)\\ \sigma&\sim \mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10) \end{aligned} \]

And here is the Stan program I wrote to estimate it. Note that we are augmenting the data by the \(\mu_i\)s. Therefore we will get shrinkage estimates of these from the estimation process.

// 2level.stan 
// a 2-level hierarchical model for aggregating risk preferences
data {
  int<lower=0> N;
  vector[N] r;
  int nexpt;
  int exptID[N];
  vector[2] prior_MU;
  real prior_sigma_expt;
  real prior_sigma_i;
parameters {
  real MU;
  real<lower=0> sigma_expt;
  real<lower=0> sigma_i;
  vector[nexpt] mu_expt;

model {
  // prior
  target += normal_lpdf(MU | prior_MU[1],prior_MU[2]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_expt | 0.0,prior_sigma_expt);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_i | 0.0,prior_sigma_i);
  // hierarchical structure
  target+= normal_lpdf(mu_expt | MU,sigma_expt);
  // likelihood
  target += normal_lpdf(r | mu_expt[exptID], sigma_i);


generated quantities {
  real rho = pow(sigma_expt,2.0)/(pow(sigma_expt,2.0)+pow(sigma_i,2.0));

Table 15.3 shows the estimates from this model. In particular, note the estimate for \(\rho\), which is much closer to zero than one. This suggests that within-experiment variation in \(r_{e,i}\) is larger than between-experiment variation in its means.

  "Code/METARET/Fit.rds" |>
  )$summary |>
  rownames_to_column(var="parameter") |>
    exptID = parse_number(parameter)

Fit |> 
  filter(is.na(exptID)) |>
  dplyr::select(-exptID) |>
  kbl(digits=3,caption = "Parameter estimates from the basic model") |>
Table 15.3: Parameter estimates from the basic model
parameter mean se_mean sd X2.5. X25. X50. X75. X97.5. n_eff Rhat
MU 0.584 0.00 0.030 0.524 0.564 0.584 0.604 0.643 5618.174 1.000
sigma_expt 0.207 0.00 0.025 0.165 0.189 0.206 0.223 0.261 4218.509 1.000
sigma_i 0.550 0.00 0.005 0.541 0.547 0.550 0.553 0.559 7046.200 1.000
rho 0.125 0.00 0.026 0.082 0.106 0.122 0.141 0.184 4256.043 1.000
lp__ -6203.000 0.13 5.223 -6214.325 -6206.201 -6202.631 -6199.302 -6193.737 1611.583 1.003

15.3 But the data are really interval-valued!

Now we will take the interval-valued property of Holt and Laury (2002) data more seriously. Once we code up the bounds (you can see how I do that at the end of this chapter), it is really easy to augment our data again by the unobserved (i.e. latent) \(r_{i,i}^*\), which we know will be somewhere between a lower bound of \(\underline r_{e,i}\), and an upper bound of \(\overline r_{e,i}\). Here is the modification to the model statement we need to make:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Participant-level variation: }r_{i,e}^*&\sim \mathrm{Truncated\ Normal}(\mu_e,\sigma^2,(\underline r_{i,e},\overline r_{i,e}))\\ \text{Experiment-level variation: }\mu_e&\sim N(\bar\mu,\bar\sigma^2)\\ \text{priors: } \bar\mu&\sim N(0,10)\\ \bar\sigma&\sim\mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10)\\ \sigma&\sim \mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10) \end{aligned} \]

And here is the Stan program that estimates it. Note now that r is a parameter, rather than data.

// 2level_interval.stan 
// a 2-level hierarchical model for aggregating risk preferences
// treating choices as revealing intervals
data {
  int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
  vector[N] rlb; // lower bound for r
  vector[N] rub; // upper bound of r
  int nexpt; // number of experiments
  int exptID[N]; // experiment id
  vector[2] prior_MU; // mean of r in population
  real prior_sigma_expt; // sd of r at experiment level
  real prior_sigma_i; // sd of r at individual level
parameters {
  real MU;
  real<lower=0> sigma_expt;
  real<lower=0> sigma_i;
  vector[nexpt] mu_expt;
  vector<lower=rlb,upper=rub>[N] r;

model {
  // prior
  target += normal_lpdf(MU | prior_MU[1],prior_MU[2]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_expt | 0.0,prior_sigma_expt);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_i | 0.0,prior_sigma_i);
  // hierarchical structure
  target+= normal_lpdf(mu_expt | MU,sigma_expt);
  // likelihood
  target += normal_lpdf(r | mu_expt[exptID], sigma_i);


generated quantities {
  real rho = pow(sigma_expt,2.0)/(pow(sigma_expt,2.0)+pow(sigma_i,2.0));

Table 15.4 shows the estimates from this model. These are not substantially different from those in Table 15.3, but we didn’t know that until estimating this model.

  "Code/METARET/Fit_interval.rds" |>
  )$summary |>
  rownames_to_column(var="parameter") |>
    exptID = parse_number(parameter)

Fit_interval |> 
  filter(is.na(exptID)) |>
  dplyr::select(-exptID) |>
  kbl(digits=3,caption = "Parameter estimates from the interval-valued model") |>
Table 15.4: Parameter estimates from the interval-valued model
parameter mean se_mean sd X2.5. X25. X50. X75. X97.5. n_eff Rhat
MU 0.567 0.001 0.034 0.501 0.544 0.568 0.591 0.632 4096.224 1.000
sigma_expt 0.230 0.000 0.027 0.183 0.211 0.228 0.247 0.290 3068.388 1.000
sigma_i 0.590 0.000 0.005 0.580 0.587 0.590 0.594 0.601 5038.230 1.000
rho 0.133 0.000 0.027 0.087 0.113 0.130 0.149 0.193 3050.136 1.000
lp__ -30049.240 2.011 73.787 -30196.315 -30099.434 -30049.547 -29998.176 -29905.889 1346.326 1.001

15.4 Heterogeneous standard deviations

Of course, these experiments could be different not just because they have different means of risk-aversion, but also because they have different standard deviations of risk-aversion. In order to investigate how and whether this affects our conclusions, here is a model that assumes a hierarchical structure for \(\sigma_e\) as well as \(\mu_e\):

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Participant-level variation: }r_{i,e}^*&\sim \mathrm{Truncated\ Normal}(\mu_e,\sigma^2_e,(\underline r_{i,e},\overline r_{i,e}))\\ \text{Experiment-level variation: }\mu_e&\sim N(\bar\mu,\bar\sigma^2)\\ \log \sigma_e &\sim N(M,S^2)\\ \text{priors: } \bar\mu&\sim N(0,10)\\ \bar\sigma&\sim\mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10)\\ M&\sim N(0,10)\\ S&\sim \mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10) \end{aligned} \]

And here is the the Stan file that implements it. Note that we are augmenting the data by \(\sigma_e\) and \(\mu_e\) now. Also, since we don’t have one \(\rho\) anymore, I am calculating an average \(\rho\) in the generated quantities block using Monte Carlo integration.

// 2level_interval_sd.stan 
// a 2-level hierarchical model for aggregating risk preferences
// treating choices as revealing intervals
data {
  int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
  vector[N] rlb; // lower bound for r
  vector[N] rub; // upper bound of r
  int nexpt; // number of experiments
  int exptID[N]; // experiment id
  vector[2] prior_MU; // mean of r in population
  real prior_sigma_expt; // sd of r at experiment level
  vector[2] prior_sigma_i_M;  // m and sd of log-median sigma_i
  real<lower=0> prior_sigma_i_SD; // sd for sigma_i
  int nsim;
parameters {
  real MU;
  real<lower=0> sigma_expt;
  real sigma_i_M;
  real<lower=0> sigma_i_SD;
  // augmentted data
  vector[nexpt] mu_expt;
  vector<lower=rlb,upper=rub>[N] r;

model {
  // prior
  target += normal_lpdf(MU | prior_MU[1],prior_MU[2]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_expt | 0.0,prior_sigma_expt);
  target += normal_lpdf(sigma_i_M | prior_sigma_i_M[1],prior_sigma_i_M[2]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_i_SD | 0.0, prior_sigma_i_SD);
  // hierarchical structure
  target+= normal_lpdf(mu_expt | MU,sigma_expt);
  target+= lognormal_lpdf(sigma_i | sigma_i_M, sigma_i_SD);
  // likelihood
  target += normal_lpdf(r | mu_expt[exptID], sigma_i[exptID]);


generated quantities {
  real rho;
    vector[nsim] sim_sigma_i =exp(sigma_i_M+sigma_i_SD*to_vector(normal_rng(rep_vector(0.0,nsim),rep_vector(1.0,nsim))));
    rho = mean(pow(sigma_expt,2.0)/(pow(sigma_expt,2.0)+pow(sim_sigma_i,2.0)));

Table 15.5 shows the estimates of the non-augmented parameters of the model. We don’t see much of a difference in what we can compare to the previous model. However note that sigma_i_sd is substantially away from zero, indicating a good amount of variation in the experiment-specific standard deviations.

  "Code/METARET/Fit_interval_sd.rds" |>
  )$summary |>
  rownames_to_column(var="parameter") |>
    exptID = parse_number(parameter)

Fit_interval_sd |> 
  filter(is.na(exptID)) |>
  dplyr::select(-exptID) |>
  kbl(digits=3,caption = "Parameter estimates from the model assuming heterogeneous within-experiment standard deviations") |>
Table 15.5: Parameter estimates from the model assuming heterogeneous within-experiment standard deviations
parameter mean se_mean sd X2.5. X25. X50. X75. X97.5. n_eff Rhat
MU 0.550 0.000 0.028 0.496 0.531 0.550 0.570 0.606 3834.973 1.000
sigma_expt 0.186 0.000 0.024 0.144 0.169 0.184 0.201 0.239 2679.907 1.002
sigma_i_M -0.521 0.001 0.044 -0.608 -0.551 -0.521 -0.490 -0.436 4478.523 1.000
sigma_i_SD 0.316 0.001 0.037 0.253 0.290 0.313 0.339 0.396 3509.713 1.000
rho 0.104 0.000 0.025 0.064 0.086 0.101 0.118 0.159 2969.940 1.001
lp__ -29589.388 2.016 73.080 -29738.524 -29637.172 -29587.289 -29540.121 -29451.549 1314.469 1.001

Now that we have two sets of augmented parameters, \(\mu_e\) and \(\sigma_e\), we can visualize their relationship in a plot, which I do in Figure 15.2. These are the “shrinkage” estimates of these parameters, in that they are informed both by the values of \(r_{i,e}\) within their respective experiments, and also by the population distributions that are jointly estimated alongside them.

d<-Fit_interval_sd |>
  filter(!is.na(exptID)) |>
  mutate(parameter = gsub("[^a-zA-Z]", "", parameter)) |> 
    id_cols = exptID,
    names_from = "parameter",
    values_from = c("mean","X25.","X75.")
  ) |>
  mutate(id = exptID |> as.numeric()) |>
    by = "id"

  +geom_errorbar(aes(xmin = X25._muexpt,xmax=X75._muexpt),alpha=0.3)
  +geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = X25._sigmai,ymax=X75._sigmai),alpha=0.3)
  +xlab(expression(mu[e]~": mean of risk-aversion within experiemnt"))+ylab(expression(sigma[e]~": standard deviation of risk-aversion within experiment"))
Experiment-level estimates of mean and standard deviation of risk-aversion. Error bars show 50% Bayesian credible regions

Figure 15.2: Experiment-level estimates of mean and standard deviation of risk-aversion. Error bars show 50% Bayesian credible regions

15.5 Student-\(t\) distributions, because why not?

One assumption we have maintained here is that the experiment- and participant-level distributions are both normals. While this is a great place to start, but if we suspect that this is a bad assumption then we might want to take a more flexible model to our data. A simple one-parameter relaxation of the normal distribution is Student’s \(t\) distribution. The new “degrees of freedom” parameter \(\nu>0\) measures how closely this distribution matches the normal: as \(\nu\to\infty\) the \(t\) approaches the normal, and \(\nu<30\) is a good rule of thumb for the range of \(\nu\) where the distributions differ appreciably.

Here I will assume that both the experiment-specific \(\mu_i\)s and the participant-specific \(r_{e,i}\)s have \(t\) distributions. Here is the new model:

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{Participant-level variation: }r_{i,e}^*&\sim \mathrm{Truncated\ Student\ t}(\nu,\mu_e,\sigma^2_e,(\underline r_{i,e},\overline r_{i,e}))\\ \text{Experiment-level variation: }\mu_e&\sim \mathrm{Student\ t}(\bar\nu,\bar\mu,\bar\sigma^2)\\ \log \sigma_e &\sim N(M,S^2)\\ \text{priors: } \bar\mu&\sim N(0,10)\\ \bar\sigma&\sim\mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10)\\ M&\sim N(0,10)\\ S&\sim \mathrm{Cauchy}^+(0,10) \end{aligned} \]

Note that I have kept the experiment-specific augmented \(\sigma_e\)s, but for simplicity I will not be allowing \(\nu\) to vary between experiments.

We need to be especially careful here when calculating \(\rho\), the fraction of the variance of \(r_{e,i}\) that is due to between-experiment variation. This is because the variance of the \(t\)-distribution is not equal to the parameter \(\sigma\). In fact, it is:

\[ V(t(\nu,\mu,\sigma))=\begin{cases} \frac{\nu}{\nu-2}\sigma^2 &\text{if } \nu>2\\ \text{undefined} & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \]

I will therefore not comment on \(\rho\) for this estimation.

You can see this in the generated quantities block at the bottom of this Stan program:

// 2level_interval_sd_t.stan 
// a 2-level hierarchical model for aggregating risk preferences
// treating choices as revealing intervals
data {
  int<lower=0> N; // number of observations
  vector[N] rlb; // lower bound for r
  vector[N] rub; // upper bound of r
  int nexpt; // number of experiments
  int exptID[N]; // experiment id
  vector[2] prior_MU; // mean of r in population
  real prior_sigma_expt; // sd of r at experiment level
  vector[2] prior_sigma_i_M;  // m and sd of log-median sigma_i
  real<lower=0> prior_sigma_i_SD; // sd for sigma_i
  real<lower=0> prior_nu_expt; // prior for nu at expt level
  real<lower=0> prior_nu_i; // prior for nu at individual level
parameters {
  real MU;
  real<lower=0> sigma_expt;
  real sigma_i_M;
  real<lower=0> sigma_i_SD;
  real<lower=0> nu_i;
  real<lower=0> nu_expt;
  // augmentted data
  vector[nexpt] mu_expt;
  vector<lower=rlb,upper=rub>[N] r;

model {
  // prior
  target += normal_lpdf(MU | prior_MU[1],prior_MU[2]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_expt | 0.0,prior_sigma_expt);
  target += normal_lpdf(sigma_i_M | prior_sigma_i_M[1],prior_sigma_i_M[2]);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(sigma_i_SD | 0.0, prior_sigma_i_SD);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(nu_i| 0.0, prior_nu_i);
  target += cauchy_lpdf(nu_expt|0.0,prior_nu_expt);
  // hierarchical structure
  target+= student_t_lpdf(mu_expt |nu_expt, MU,sigma_expt);
  target+= lognormal_lpdf(sigma_i | sigma_i_M, sigma_i_SD);
  // likelihood
  target += student_t_lpdf(r |nu_i, mu_expt[exptID], sigma_i[exptID]);


Table 15.6 shows estimates from this model. Of particular interest are the new parameters \(\bar\nu\) (nu_expt) and \(\nu\) (nu_i). Recall that \(\nu<30\) suggests that a \(t\) distribution departs meaningfully from a normal, and we see this for the median estimates of both \(\nu\)s (although the posterior mean estimate of \(\bar nu\) is well above 30). I would conclude from this that the normal assumption probably isn’t a good one to make with these data, both at the experiment level (i.e. \(\mu_i\) is not normally distributed), and at the participant level (i.e. \(r_{i,e}\) is not normally distributed within an experiment)

  "Code/METARET/Fit_interval_sd_t.rds" |>
  )$summary |>
  rownames_to_column(var="parameter") |>
    exptID = parse_number(parameter)

Fit_interval_sd_t |> 
  filter(is.na(exptID)) |>
  dplyr::select(-exptID) |>
  kbl(digits=3,caption = "Parameter estimates from the model assuming heterogeneous within-experiment standard deviations") |>
Table 15.6: Parameter estimates from the model assuming heterogeneous within-experiment standard deviations
parameter mean se_mean sd X2.5. X25. X50. X75. X97.5. n_eff Rhat
MU 0.535 0.000 0.024 0.488 0.519 0.535 0.552 0.584 5507.149 1.000
sigma_expt 0.156 0.000 0.022 0.116 0.140 0.154 0.170 0.203 4285.374 1.000
sigma_i_M -0.885 0.001 0.047 -0.978 -0.916 -0.884 -0.854 -0.790 4005.442 0.999
sigma_i_SD 0.298 0.001 0.038 0.231 0.272 0.296 0.321 0.383 3427.930 1.001
nu_i 2.927 0.004 0.150 2.650 2.822 2.921 3.025 3.232 1623.285 1.000
nu_expt 55.167 4.231 236.743 2.936 8.234 15.859 36.389 367.124 3131.111 1.000
lp__ -29308.651 2.077 72.261 -29452.428 -29357.689 -29306.838 -29258.540 -29170.925 1210.179 1.003

15.6 R code to estimate the models

rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

D<-"Code/METARET/Data/data.csv" |> 
  read.csv() |>
  mutate(exptID = bibkey |> as.factor()) |>
  group_by(choice) |>
    rlb = min(r),
    rub = max(r)
ungroup() |>
    rlb = ifelse(choice<=1,-Inf,rlb),
    rub = ifelse(choice==10,Inf,rub)

D$bibkey |> unique()

  N = dim(D)[1],
  r = D$r,
  rlb =D$rlb,
  rub = D$rub,
  nexpt = D$exptID |> unique() |> length(),
  exptID = D$exptID |> as.numeric(),
  prior_MU = c(0,10),
  prior_sigma_expt = 10,
  prior_sigma_i = 10,
  prior_sigma_i_M = c(0,10),
  prior_sigma_i_SD = 10,
  prior_nu_expt = 10,
  prior_nu_i = 10,
  nsim = 1000

model_interval_sd_t<-"Code/METARET/2level_interval_sd_t.stan" |>

Fit_interval_sd_t <- model_interval_sd_t |>
    iter = 2000
    par = "r",include=FALSE

Fit_interval_sd_t |>

model_interval_sd<-"Code/METARET/2level_interval_sd.stan" |>

Fit_interval_sd <- model_interval_sd |>
    iter = 2000,
    par = "r",include=FALSE

Fit_interval_sd |>

model<-"Code/METARET/2level.stan" |>

Fit<-model |>
           iter = 2000

Fit |>

model_interval<-"Code/METARET/2level_interval.stan" |>

Fit_interval<-model_interval |>
           iter = 2000,
           par = "r",include=FALSE

Fit_interval |>


Holt, Charles A, and Susan K Laury. 2002. “Risk Aversion and Incentive Effects.” American Economic Review 92 (5): 1644–55.

  1. I downloaded this dataset on 2024-09-12. As METARET is an ongoing project, you may get different estimates to me.↩︎